인터넷이 안되는곳에서 프로젝트를 배포할때 관련 파일을 같은 서버또는 다운받을수 있는곳에

올려놔야 하는데 이파일이 비주얼 스튜디오깔면 같이 깔린다.





C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages


윈도우즈 서버에 계정 만들 때 비밀번호 생성시 서버의 권한을 만족해야만 생성가능하다

이때 서버관리자의 구미에 맞게 설정이 가능하다





비주얼 스튜디오 XML 주석 도움말 만들기










필요한 파일을 스텝을 밟아 가면서 필요한 파일을 설치한다.




3. ChmBuilder.config 파일에 한글을 추가한다.
우리는 주석에서 한글을 사용하기때문에 한글이 인식되도록 설정해줘야한다.
C:\Program Files\Sandcastle\ProductionTools에 ChmBuilder.config파일이 있다.
그 파일에서 언어 부분에 한국어를 추가해주면된다. 빨간색의 Language 선언부분을 복사해서 붙여넣는다.




프로젝트의 속성에서 XML 문서파일을 생성한다.




빌드 후 만들어진 XML 문서







새로운 프로젝트를 임의의 이름으로 생성한다.


프로젝트 생성모습



오른쪽 Project Explorer 에서 빌드 할 소스 선택





빌드를 누르면 끝~ (시간은 좀 걸림 ㅎㄷㄷ… 한글은 더 걸림 ㅎㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ)


빌드하고 있는중…..






C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config set to Deny:

<section name="staticContent" overrideModeDefault="Deny" />

<section name="caching" overrideModeDefault="Deny" />

<section name="requestFiltering" overrideModeDefault="Deny" />

Changing overrideModeDefault attribute to Allow fixed the issue.

Deny 설정되어져 있는 값을  찾아서 Allow로 변경





다른닷넷 프레임워크 등등은 공급업체 웹사이트에서 잘 받아지는데

리포트 뷰는 안받아진다 .그래서 다음 위치에서 필수 구성 요소 다운로드로 웹사이트에 같이 올려두었다.

저 위에 필요한 설치파일들은 아래의 경로에서 다운받을수 있다.

(Windows 7에 비주얼 스튜디오 2010 프로페셔날 )





참고 사항


ReportView 배포경로 오류


Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate beta/beta2/RC를 언 인스톨한다.
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime 를 언 인스톨한다.
.NET Framework 4 beta/beta2/RC를 아래 순서대로 언 인스톨한다.
Language Pack


클릭원스 배포시 프로그램 구동시 필요한 파일을 로컬파일로 지정할때














공짜치곤 대박인듯합니다.



Awesome ASP.NET 2.0 RSS Tool-Kit Released

Dmitry on the ASP.NET Team posted an awesome RSS Toolkit for ASP.NET 2.0 on his blog earlier tonight. It provides a ton of great support for both consuming and exposing RSS from ASP.NET 2.0 applications, and ships with full source code.

March 26th, 2006 Update: Dmitry just updated the origional download here.

Some of the features/scenarios in the new RSS Toolkit include:

RSS Data-binding Control Support

You can now declaratively databind any ASP.NET control to the new RSSDataSource control provided in the toolkit. For example, to build a simple blog post aggregator for my blog you could follow the below steps with the free Visual Web Developer tool:

1) Create a new blank page

2) Drag/Drop the standard ASP.NET DataList control on the page, choose the “New DataSource” option from the smart-task:

3) Select the RSSDataSource control to bind to (note: this will automatically be populated in the datasource dialog window if the RSSDataSource control has been added to the VS toolbox):

4) In the RSSDataSource dialog that pops-up, type in the URL to the RSS feed you want to databind to:

5) The RSSDataSource control will then request the schema for the RSS feed and expose it to VS – which will then populate the <asp:datalist> control with an <itemTemplate> that is automatically populated with data-binding expressions for each of the RSS schema fields from the remote RSS source:

6) You can then switch into template editing mode in the WYSIWYG designer, or go into source-view to remove some of the fields and just leave the RSS fields you want to bind to. Here is a sample page with a DataList template that binds to the link and title RSS item fields:

<%@ Register Assembly="RssToolkit" Namespace="RssToolkit" TagPrefix="RssToolkit" %>


<head runat="server">

<title>ScottGu Feed</title>



<form id="form1" runat="server">


<h2>ScottGu Blog Feed</h2>

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" CellPadding="4" DataSourceID="RssDataSource1" ForeColor="#333333">


<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# Eval("link") %>' Text='<%# Eval("title") %>'></asp:HyperLink>



<RssToolkit:rssdatasource id="RssDataSource1" runat="server" url="http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/Rss.aspx">






7) I can then run the page and get this output:

As you can see above, the DataList is now bound to the data returned from the remote RSS feed on my site.

What is really cool is that the RSSDataSource control will cache the RSS data to avoid hitting it remotely on each request – so that you can efficiently add this type of blog aggregation functionality to your site and not have to worry about your performance slowing down.

Strongly Typed RSS API Support

The RSS Toolkit also adds support for creating a strongly-typed object model over a remote RSS feed. This allows you to program against RSS data in a clean, easy way. You can do this one of two ways:

1) Using the rsssdl.exe utility that ships with the toolkit. This is a command-line tool that generates a strongly-typed class library based on a provided RSS URL feed (sort of like wsdl.exe does for web-services). For example, I could use it against my ScottGu RSS blog feed like so to generate a Scottgu.cs file containing C# classes that provide a strongly-typed object model around it:

I could then add the generated “scottgu.cs” file to my project and instantiate and use the class framework to programmatically databind the RSS channel’s items against a GridView (note that each of the Items is strongly typed as a "ScottGuChannelItem" -- and has a strongly-typed object model based on the schema of the RSS feed):

ScottGuChannel channel = ScottGuChannel.LoadChannel();

GridView1.DataSource = channel.Items;


or alternatively:

2) The RSS toolkit also ships with a new ASP.NET 2.0 build-provider that allows you to declaratively add .rssdl file definitions in your app_code directory. For example like so:


<rss name="ScottGu" url="http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/rss.aspx" />


This will then automatically generate and build a RSS channel proxy into your project for you to use (no command line tool usage required).

RSS Publishing Support

The RSS Toolkit also adds support for easily and efficiently publishing RSS feeds from an ASP.NET 2.0 application. For example, to build an RSS feed on your site with it you can now do the following:

Step 1) Add a .rss sample definition file to your app_code directory that provides some sample schema for what you want the RSS feed to look like. For example, a Sample5.rss file like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<rss version="2.0">


<title>Sample Channel</title>


<description>Sample Channel Example</description>











This will then create a strongly typed object-model for the RSS schema, as well as build a default RSSHandlerBaseClass for you to use to publish it within an ASP.NET .ashx handler file.

Step 2) Create a Sample5.ashx handler file in VS 2005 or Visual Web Developer to expose the channel information. You can sub-class the RSSHandlerBaseClass automatically defined from the sample schema above to publish the RSS data in a strongly typed way:

<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="scenario5" %>

using System;

using System.Web;

public class scenario5 : Sample5HttpHandlerBase {

protected override void PopulateChannel(string channelName, string userName) {

Channel.Name = channelName;


new Sample5Item("Scenario1",

"Consuming RSS feed using RssDataSource",



new Sample5Item("Scenario2",

"Consuming RSS feed using ObjectDataSource",



new Sample5Item("Scenario3",

"Consuming RSS feed programmatically using strongly typed classes",



new Sample5Item("Scenario4",

"Consuming RSS feed programmatically using late bound classes",




Note that all operations within the RSS handler are strongly typed (meaning you’ll get intellisense support, and a compile error if you mistype something).

Step 3) When you hit the URL to the above handler you’ll then get back an RSS XML feed that you can easily subscribe to:

Note above how the channel item paths are fully qualified in the output RSS XML, but are using the “~” syntax in the .ashx handler. The RSS toolkit adds a nice feature which is the ability for a developer to use the “~” syntax to automatically fix up fully qualified path statements from the channel handler (that way the paths will be correct regardless of whatever server or virtual directory hierarchy the application is deployed on).

Personalized RSS Feed Integration with ASP.NET Authentication System

One of the tricks people are doing these days with RSS is to enable people to subscribe to feeds that are personalized for them. They often do this by adding a query-string parameter to the RSS feed that contains a unique identifier to map the URL to a specific account name on the server (allowing a user for example to publish and subscribe to their private calendar or task-list or contact-list information).

The RSS Toolkit allows you to easily build these types of apps and integrate them with the ASP.NET membership and authentication system. Note how in the handler above there is a “username” parameter to the PopulateChannel method. ASP.NET will look for an encrypted username value on the incoming RSS feed URL, and automatically decrypt and pass the username to this method when it is supplied (you could then write code within this method to hit a database and pull back only the items for that particular user).

To embed the encrypted user-name within the RSS feed URL, you can either get the value via an API call, or generate the RSS URL link using the new declarative RSSHyperlink control and setting the IncludeUserName=”true” property to true:

<RssToolKit:RssHyperLink runat="server" IncludeUserName="True" NavigateUrl="~/scenario6.ashx">Personalized RSS Feed Sample</RssToolKit:RssHyperLink>

When a user clicks on this feed it will include their username encrypted within the URL. When they copy/paste the feed link into a blog reader (for example: to subscribe to it), it will then remember the user’s identity and allow them to always have a personalized view of the data.

Automatic Caching of RSS Feeds

The RSS Toolkit automatically includes built-in caching logic so that RSS feed data is cached locally instead of fetched each time it is accessed/used. The RSS Toolkit supports caching this information both in-memory, as well as persistently to disk (for example: to survive worker process restarts or application resets).

The benefit of this built-in caching integration is that you can efficiently subscribe and pull RSS data from a variety of remote sources without having to worry about your server blocking on remote network calls all the time. Note that the RSS toolkit by default uses an RSS channel’s TTL setting to control the cache duration semantics for you.


The new ASP.NET RSS Toolkit provides a ton of cool RSS functionality to take advantage of, and allows you to easily integrate RSS within both your sites and applications. RSS is no longer just about blogging – it is now a super common data format for people to publish and subscribe to lots of different types of information (for example: check out this sample I built using the December CTP build of Atlas for a sample “Ajax Task List App” that publishes to-do items using RSS).

You can download the RSS Toolkit from here. Best of all it is free, and all of the Toolkit’s source code is included with the sample. It includes a number of great scenario samples that you can walkthrough to quickly learn how to use it.

The RSS Toolkit has been written to work in medium trust security scenarios – so you can run it on shared hosting servers (note: to consume remote RSS feeds the hosted server will need to allow remote out-bound http requests). Click here to learn more about how to find a hoster that provide inexpensive ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL hosting.

Special thanks go to Dmitry for building this RSS Toolkit in his spare time. If you download and use it please make sure to thank him through his blog. J

Hope this helps,


P.S. In case you missed it in December, Dmitry also built and published a great disk-based output caching module for ASP.NET 2.0 as well. You can download it here.

간단히 알고 넘어가는 주석문

문서 주석에 대한 권장 태그(C# 프로그래밍 가이드)

C# 컴파일러는 코드의 문서 주석을 XML 파일로 만듭니다. XML 파일을 처리하여 문서를 만드는 작업은 사용자의 사이트에서 구현해야 하는 세부적인 사항입니다.

태그는 형식, 형식 멤버 등과 같은 코드 구문에서 처리됩니다.

컴파일러는 유효한 XML 태그를 모두 처리합니다. 아래 태그에는 사용자 문서에서 자주 사용하는 기능이 포함되어 있습니다.


// compile with: /doc:DocFileName.xml 

/// text for class TestClass
public class TestClass
    /// <summary>
    /// The GetZero method.
    /// </summary>
    /// <example> This sample shows how to call the GetZero method.
    /// <code>
    /// class TestClass 
    /// {
    ///     static int Main() 
    ///     {
    ///         return GetZero();
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// </code>
    /// </example>
    public static int GetZero()
        return 0;

    /// text for Main
    static void Main()

주석관련 참조 내용


GhostDoc 으로 문서작성



Document This 는 있어도 되고 없어도 됨

걍 /// 세개 때리면 주석 라인 만들어 줘요 ㅎㅎㅎ

프로젝트 속성에서는 XML 문서파일이 만들어 지도록 합니다.


Sandcastle 으로 XML 문서를 컴파일 하면 도움말 형식으로 문서가 만들어 집니다

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C:\Program Files\Sandcastle\Examples\ 하단에 폴더가 생성됩니다

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